Blog Post

Signs You Need To Call a Plumber

Jul 25, 2023

If you've noticed signs your plumbing system could have an issue, contact a professional plumber immediately. Small plumbing issues can quickly escalate to major problems, resulting in extensive water damage and costly repairs. Explore some early warning signs that you may need urgent assistance from a plumber.

Burst Pipe

A burst pipe can wreak havoc on your home, causing extensive water damage and costly repairs. You may have a burst pipe if you notice decreased water pressure, a sudden increase in your water bill, damp or discolored walls or ceilings, and the sound of running water even when the taps are turned off.

Common causes of burst pipes include freezing temperatures, aging pipes, excessive water pressure, clogs, and improper installation or maintenance. To prevent burst pipes, ensure your pipes have proper insulation and regular maintenance. If you've noticed a burst pipe, shut off the water main and call a professional plumber promptly.

Slow Drains

Slow drains are among the most common issues homeowners experience with their plumbing systems. If unaddressed, a slow drain can eventually lead to problems such as sewage backups or burst pipes. Slow drains can result from hair, soap residue, food particles, or grease buildup. Also, clogged or damaged pipes can impede water flow, causing slow drains.

Some signs of slow drains include water that takes longer to drain than usual, gurgling sounds from the drain, and unpleasant odors. Address slow drains promptly to prevent further damage and potential health hazards in your home. A professional plumber can help diagnose the cause and offer effective solutions to restore your plumbing system to its proper working condition.

Low Water Pressure

Low water pressure can be inconvenient, as it causes longer shower times and difficulty performing daily household tasks. The problem can result from issues with the home's plumbing system, pressure regulator valve, water supply pipes, or even the main water supply. If you have low water pressure, you'll need the help of an expert to identify and fix the underlying issues causing low water pressure to ensure the smooth running of your daily routines.

Dripping Faucet

Besides being annoying, a dripping faucet can waste a significant amount of water over time and lead to a higher water bill. Neglecting to address the issue in a timely manner could potentially lead to serious water damage, structural issues, or even health hazards.

To resolve the problem, work with a professional, as attempting to fix the issues yourself can make matters worse and cause more damage.

Running Toilet

If the flush valve, which controls water flowing from the tank to the bowl, doesn’t function correctly, a running toilet will occur. This can lead to a constant flow of water into the bowl. Over time, this increases your water usage and, ultimately, raises your water bill. Regardless of the cause, fix a running toilet as soon as possible to avoid unnecessary expenses.

Appliance Installation

While installing new appliances might appear like a simple task, a lot can go wrong during the process. Appliances, such as dishwashers or washing machines, require proper connections and drains to function effectively. Without these connections, many problems can arise, including leaks, flooding, or even electrical issues. 

A plumber can ensure everything is installed and connected properly, giving you peace of mind and avoiding potentially costly mistakes. 

Are you experiencing a plumbing problem in your home? If yes, contact Aurora Plumbing and Electric Supply, Inc, to inspect, diagnose, and repair the issue and restore your plumbing system to optimal functionality.

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